Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Alpha and Omega

Hey guys, it's Josh. It's come to my attention that I've made posts for a few weeks now and I haven't yet quoted a verse from my favorite book of the Bible. So after changing my original idea for a blog post, ya'll are going to learn a bit about "The Alpha and the Omega."

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." Revelation 22:13

These words were spoken by Jesus, and for a short verse, it can say a lot. I'll take this verse one part at a time. Let's start with "the beginning and the end." Jesus is the beginning of a new life for anyone that accepts him as Lord and Savior, and the end of a lifetime (and eternity) of suffering.

Next I'll tackle "the first and the last." Jesus is the first to make deaf hear and dumb speak. He allowed the blind to see. He was the first to walk on water, and He did it without tricks. He is the first and only way to salvation. He is the last (only) perfect human that will ever walk the earth

Now, there's a reason I saved "Alpha and Omega," for last. Alpha(Αα) and Omega(Ωω) are letters of the Greek alphabet. But why did Jesus choose to say that He is Alpha and Omega instead of, say, Zeta and Sigma? Well Alpha is the first letter of the Greek Alphabet (beginning) and Omega is the last (end). Omega itself has a meaning, which is "Great O," and it is used to denote the ultimate limit of a set. Alpha is used to describe the most significant occurance of something.

Everything has a beginning and an end, and it seems that we have reached the end of this post.

God bless you,


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