Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Will you come to church with me?"

Hey, it's Josh and I've noticed a very common problem. If you ask a person to come to your church, you can almost expect the person to say, "No." But do you know why many people choose not to go to church? They think they will be judged, which is a problem I can't understand. I started going to church on Wednesdays not long ago and the minute I walked through the doors I felt welcome. But for some reason people feel judged, making them not want to go to church. Matthew 7:1 says:

"Judge not, that ye be not judged."

Another reason people don't go to church, which is mainly directed at teenagers, is because their parents won't let them. This is usually because their parent don't trust them to go to church with other teenagers. They're afraid that their children will "hook up" with a boyfriend or girlfriend. This disturbs me on two levels.

1. The kids must have done something to make their parents distrust them.
2. The parents obviously think they can't trust the adults at the church to make sure the youth behave.

So what do we do? We remember not to judge people and make them feel welcome at church. We show concerned parents that the teenagers can be trusted as well as the adults that watch over them while they're at church. Keep this in mind next time you invite someone to your church.

God bless you,


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