Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, August 9, 2010


  There was this story i  heard and it's about two dating teenagers who one day went up to the youth pastor.They confused to having sex in there car in the park.Then out of nowhere the youth pastor said yeah someone saw you.Well these two started freaking out saying,"What someone saw us!Who?!"  Then the pastor said,"Oh well it was God who saw you,"they then where like,"Oh yeah God saw us is that it?" 
    So lets recap when the youth pastor told them someone saw them they freaked out but when he said it was God they where like,"Oh yeah God," almost like it was okay that it was God.Don't we do that sometimes acting like God is a character in this fairy tail we say we believe in.I know i use to be like okay good its just God no one else,almost like God isn't as important as sinning humans.
    God sees everything we do and yet we act like it nothing but if some else sees you well that's a whole different story right?We try to make ourselves out to be great in our worlds eyes but first we must ALL become right in Gods eyes.Which could never happen because I know i can not ever come close to being like my Jesus.But thanks to that day when he was hung on the cross for me,for Josh,for all of America,and for all the world.
    What I'm getting to is this:all of us need to be aware that Gods there with us and the only way for that to be on your mind is to accept our Jesus as our lord and Savior.So may you know that you can run and hide but you will always be caught by God.

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