Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hey, it's Josh. Sorry I haven't been posting quite as much as I've wanted to lately, but I've been busy. Anyway, have any of you guys wondered what makes the number "7" so special? I mean, it's considered a lucky number, if you get three of them on a slot machine, you get the jackpot, and you always hear it in the Bible. So what makes seven so special? Well, while I was trying to answer this question, I stumbled upon what I thought was a great idea for a blog post. So to intrigue you (and lack of a better idea for a post) here are some facts, from the Bible, about 7.

1. There are 562 Bible verses containing the word "seven" or it's variations (seven, seventy, seven thousand, etc.)

2. When God made the Earth, He rested on the seventh day.*

3. In the book of Revelation, John wrote to seven churches in Asia.**

4. There are seven seal judgements.***

5. There are seven angels in the Tribulation with seven trumpets.****

6. Seven more angels receive seven vials containing plagues.*****

Anyway, those are just a few, but with 562 verses, I had to limit what I put.

God bless you,


*Genesis 2:2
**Revelation 1:4
***Revelation 5:1
****Revelation 8:2
*****Revelation 15:6-7

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