Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Free Will

Hey, Josh here with my first official post. Oh, no! Someone has put a gun to your head and told you to put all the money you have in their bag. You have to, right? Wrong! Almost anyone that believes in God can tell you that he gave you free will. Eventhough it might be in your best interest to put the money in the bag, you don't "have to." If you're in school right now, you can say that peer pressure is all around, and if you're out of school, you should still remember the peer pressure. Well when you think you "have to" to do something, that's all it is. It's peer pressure, but on another level. There is only one being that can MAKE you do something, and that's God. But God won't make you do something, because he loves you that much. Sure, he'll lead you in the right direction, but God will never make you do something. No matter how much you want to say, "Well he made me do it," you would be wrong. Besides, the Bible said not to cast blame on others, but we'll talk about that in a later post ;). But what if your parents tell you to do something? The Bible tells you to obey you parents. So you have to. Wrong again! Like I said before, it would be in your best interest, but you still don't have to. Eventhough we should follow that commandment, the Bible never FORCES us to obey our moms and dads. Don't get me wrong, I believe we should follow God's commandments, but I was just making the point that the Bible has never forced us to do something, just like people can't. So yes, you should obey the Bible (and your parents), but I can't force you to, right? ;)

God bless ya'll,


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