Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein

Friday, April 23, 2010

Inside the Trees

In the beginning there was this garden and in it was a tree called The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now in the end,when Jesus Christ comes back, there will be this tree called The Tree of Life.  So in the beginning there was a tree and in the end there was a tree. So what is in the middle. How about Life. So really its like this the first tree was the start of sin and the last tree was of salvation. Our lives are built in these two trees  because in our lives we see the trees. We start off as sinners and when we become saved it is said that we have eaten the fruit on The Tree of Life and that we will dine with God forever in heaven. So after we become saved what is the meaning of life after becoming saved besides growing old and being tempted by life. Well just answer me this how many of you would be saved right now if every christian went to heaven after coming to know Christ as their own personal savior. So we must all share God,is what I am trying to point out,because that is why all of us become Christians usually. So may all of you eat the fruit from The Tree of Life and help others join you.David Thompson.

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